Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spring flowers!

It's springtime! As I walk the dog around the neighborhood each day or otherwise go about my business, I try to stop and snap a photo of any pretty flowers I see. Here are some of my favorite shots so far this season.

One of the first flowers to bloom, the tiny purple crocus.

I love these little grape hyacinths in their bed of clover.

This yellow tulip was the first to sprout in his garden. A literal early bloomer!

 The azalea bush in front of my house had some big, beautiful white blossoms. That's Creeping Jenny on the ground beneath them. 

A bed of lavender irises around a tree in a neighbor's front yard. 

Big purple clematis flowers with some smaller pale lavender blossoms of some kind.

I'm not sure what these little white guys are, but they're cute! I like the way they're peeking their heads through a pile of sticks. 

These huge white flowers covered the entire shrub next to a mailbox. 

And in the "pretty weed" category, these tiny purple-blue flowers take over huge swaths of my back yard before the grass wakes up and starts filling in. The bumblebees love them!

Interestingly, it seems like purple and white are the predominant colors of both wild and planted flowers in my neighborhood. But more things are blooming, so we'll see what other flowers I can capture as the season goes on!


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